Servant Schedule

April 2024


Michael & Krystal W

Infant Nursery:

4/7 Jaimy and Kara

4/14 Sherry and Karri

4/21 Melissa and Desiree

4/28 Angela and Linda

Walking Nursery:

4/3 Kaylee B, Sherry G

4/7 Joanne D, Marisa D, Abbie C

4/10 Sarah O, Sarah A

4/14 Arica W, Sarah A, Jane K

4/17 Denise A, Madonna T

4/21 Julie S, Claire J, Ella P

4/24 Connect-4-Life

4/28 Erin S, Kristin W, Annie S

Children's Church:

3-4 Years Old:

Karri B, Korbin B

5-7 Years Old:

Pete & Kelsey K, Alaina J

8-10 Years Old:

Pam J, Kelli W, Alice P

11-12 Years Old:

First Sunday of the month - Tony & Erin S

Last Sunday of the month - Steve C & Mark W

Bible Adventure Hour:

Lesson: TBA

Memory Verse: TBA

Ages 3-5: TBA

Ages 6-8: TBA

Servant Schedule

December 2021


Steve & Denise A

Infant Nursery:

12/5 Melissa S, Christy J

12/12 Jaimy M, Joanne D

12/19 Karri B, Kara W

12/26 Kim H, Kelsey K

Walking Nursery:

12/1 Kaylee B, Sherry G

12/5 Michelle V, Sarah M

12/8 Sarah O, Sarah A

12/12 Christy J, Claire J

12/15 Denise A, Madonna T

12/19 Bethany J, Sarah A

12/22 Connect-4-Life

12/26 Kristin W, Kaylee B

12/29 No Church Service

Children's Church:

3-4 Years Old:

Liz R, Victoria F

5-7 Years Old:

Liz W, Mona S

8-10 Years Old:

Tyler S & Paul R

11-12 Years Old:

First Sunday of the month - Steve C & Mark W

Last Sunday of the month - Tony & Erin S

Bible Adventure Hour:

Lesson: Kristin W

Memory Verse: James B

Ages 3-5: Sarah M

Ages 6-8: Zack M

Section Title

Section subtitle

This is some sample text

This is paragraph 2


Flourish is a ministry based on building relationships between women, and with God. 

We meet once every month for a variety of activities, ranging from a craft night to a cook out; but the strong tie from each meeting to the next is the focus on who God is, and what He has to say to the younger women in the church. 

Women who are college age to those who are in their 30s (a few young 40s join in, too!) are welcome to join us!

The righteous flourish like the palm tree

and grow like a cedar in Lebanon.

They are planted in the house of the Lord;

they flourish in the courts of our God.

-- Psalm 92:12-13

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Missions & Outreach

See what God has in store for you as you reach out to others.

Victory Christian Fellowship is a missions-giving, missions-living church and is actively involved in many facets of missions. It is our goal to fulfill the Great Commission: 

“And He said to them, ‘Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.’”

-Mark 16:15

Since 2002 Victory Christian Fellowship Church has had an annual missions trip. We have been to places such as Monterrey, Mexico, Inner-City St. Louis, and the Rose Bud Indian Reservation of South Dakota.

In the summer and fall our missions team is active in local out-reaches to the people in our home town of Mexico, Missouri. We have BBQ, skits, music, football, kickball, and, of course, the Word is preached.

VCF is concerned with winning souls to Christ in our community, in our nation, and to the ends of the earth.

For more information, contact Mark & Kara Wieberg at (573) 721-2104.

Our Church and Ministry Leaders

We at Victory Christian Fellowship (VCF) believe in living out our faith through prayer, study of God's Word, and serving others through a variety of ministries. 

Opportunities to serve are available in many areas for adults of any age, and even for some children starting at the age of nine.

If you would like more information on any area of ministry, please contact the relevant Ministry Leader.

  • Tony & Erin Senor

    Tony Senor met his wife Erin, a lifelong member of Victory Christian Fellowship Church, when he became a member seven years ago.

    Tony and Erin head up our Youth Ministry team with a love for the relationships that are developed with our youth, a joy in teaching them about Jesus, and delight in the fun trips they take with the youth each summer.

    Contact Mark or Kara at (573) 721-5120.

  • Andy & Kristin Windmann

    Contact Andy or Kristin at (573) 310-9431.

  • Sara Alton

    Contact Sara at (573)

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